




constructor(store: Store, ga: GoogleAnalyticsService)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
store Store No
ga GoogleAnalyticsService No


closeBottomSheet(undefined: StateContext<UIStateModel>)
Decorators :

Action to close bottom sheet. Empty the bottom sheet data from the state Set the bottom sheet open variable to false

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
StateContext<UIStateModel> No
Returns : void
closeBottomSheetDOI(undefined: StateContext<UIStateModel>)
Decorators :

Action to close bottom sheet. Empty the bottom sheet data from the state

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
StateContext<UIStateModel> No
Returns : void
closeCompare(undefined: StateContext<UIStateModel>)
Decorators :

Action to close compare sidenav

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
StateContext<UIStateModel> No
Returns : void
closeLoading(undefined: StateContext<UIStateModel>, undefined: CloseLoading)
Decorators :

Action to close loading. Set loading to false and clear loading text

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
StateContext<UIStateModel> No
CloseLoading No
Returns : void
closeRightSideNav(undefined: StateContext<UIStateModel>)
Decorators :

Action to close right side. Set Report, IL, Debug Log, Compare to false.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
StateContext<UIStateModel> No
Returns : void
closeSearch(undefined: StateContext<UIStateModel>)
Decorators :
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
StateContext<UIStateModel> No
Returns : void
closeSnackbar(undefined: StateContext<UIStateModel>)
Decorators :

Action to close snackbar. Update the UI State by setting the snackbar state to false and success state

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
StateContext<UIStateModel> No
Returns : void
Static getBottomSheet
getBottomSheet(state: UIStateModel)
Decorators :

Select the bottom sheet state

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
state UIStateModel No
  • UI State Model
Returns : boolean
Static getCompareState
getCompareState(state: UIStateModel)
Decorators :

Select the compare sidenav state

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
state UIStateModel No
  • UI State Model
Returns : boolean
Static getControlPaneState
getControlPaneState(state: UIStateModel)
Decorators :

Select control pane state

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
state UIStateModel No
  • UI State Model
Returns : boolean
Static getDebugLog
getDebugLog(state: UIStateModel)
Decorators :

Select the debug sidenav state

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
state UIStateModel No
  • UI State Model
Returns : boolean
Static getError
getError(state: UIStateModel)
Decorators :

Select the error state

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
state UIStateModel No
  • UI State Model
Returns : { error: Error; }
Static getIndentList
getIndentList(state: UIStateModel)
Decorators :

Select indented list sidenav state

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
state UIStateModel No
  • UI State Model
Returns : boolean
Static getLoading
getLoading(state: UIStateModel)
Decorators :

Select the loading state

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
state UIStateModel No
  • UI State Model
Returns : boolean
Static getLoadingText
getLoadingText(state: UIStateModel)
Decorators :

Select the loading text

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
state UIStateModel No
  • UI State Model
Returns : string
Static getReport
getReport(state: UIStateModel)
Decorators :

Select the report sidenav state

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
state UIStateModel No
  • UI State Model
Returns : boolean
Static getRightSideNav
getRightSideNav(state: UIStateModel)
Decorators :

Select the right sidenav state

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
state UIStateModel No
  • UI State Model
Returns : boolean
Static getSearchState
getSearchState(state: UIStateModel)
Decorators :

Select the search panel state

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
state UIStateModel No
  • UI State Model
Returns : boolean
Static getSnackbar
getSnackbar(state: UIStateModel)
Decorators :

Select the snackbar state

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
state UIStateModel No
  • UI State Model
Returns : Snackbar
hasError(undefined: StateContext<UIStateModel>, undefined: HasError)
Decorators :

Action to update error state. Close loading and open snackbar with appropriate message and type

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
StateContext<UIStateModel> No
HasError No
Returns : void
openBottomSheet(undefined: StateContext<UIStateModel>, undefined: OpenBottomSheet)
Decorators :

Action to open bottom sheet. Accept the data (name of structure) First close the bottom sheet, incase it is open. Then dispatch new action to update bottom sheet data

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
StateContext<UIStateModel> No
OpenBottomSheet No
Returns : void
OpenBottomSheetDOI(undefined: StateContext<UIStateModel>, undefined: OpenBottomSheetDOI)
Decorators :

Action to open bottom sheet DOI. Accept the data (name of structure) First close the bottom sheet Info, incase it is open. Second close the bottom sheet DOI, incase it is open. Then dispatch new action to update bottom sheet data DOI

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
StateContext<UIStateModel> No
OpenBottomSheetDOI No
Returns : void
openCompare(undefined: StateContext<UIStateModel>)
Decorators :

Action to open compare sidenav

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
StateContext<UIStateModel> No
Returns : void
openLoading(undefined: StateContext<UIStateModel>, undefined: OpenLoading)
Decorators :

Action to open loading. Set loading to true and text to text

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
StateContext<UIStateModel> No
OpenLoading No
Returns : void
openSearch(undefined: StateContext<UIStateModel>)
Decorators :
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
StateContext<UIStateModel> No
Returns : void
openSnackbar(undefined: StateContext<UIStateModel>, undefined: OpenSnackbar)
Decorators :

Action to open snackbar. Update the UI State by setting the snackbar state to true and text

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
StateContext<UIStateModel> No
OpenSnackbar No
Returns : void
toggleControlPane(undefined: StateContext<UIStateModel>)
Decorators :

Action to toggle control pane by inverting the current state

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
StateContext<UIStateModel> No
Returns : void
toggleDebugLogs(undefined: StateContext<UIStateModel>)
Decorators :

Action to toggle debug logs sidebar

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
StateContext<UIStateModel> No
Returns : void
toggleIndentList(undefined: StateContext<UIStateModel>)
Decorators :

Action to toggle Indent list sidebar

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
StateContext<UIStateModel> No
Returns : void
toggleReport(undefined: StateContext<UIStateModel>)
Decorators :

Action to toggle Report sidebar

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
StateContext<UIStateModel> No
Returns : void
UpdateLoadingText(undefined: StateContext<UIStateModel>, undefined: UpdateLoadingText)
Decorators :

Action to update loading text

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
StateContext<UIStateModel> No
UpdateLoadingText No
Returns : void


Public ga
Type : GoogleAnalyticsService
Public store
Type : Store
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Action, Select, Selector, State, StateContext, Store } from '@ngxs/store';
import { GoogleAnalyticsService } from 'ngx-google-analytics';
import { ReportLog } from '../actions/logs.actions';
import { UpdateBottomSheetDOI, UpdateBottomSheetInfo } from '../actions/sheet.actions';
import { UpdateBottomSheetData } from '../actions/tree.actions';
import {
} from '../actions/ui.actions';
import { GaAction, GaCategory } from '../models/ga.model';
import { LOG_ICONS, LOG_TYPES } from '../models/logs.model';
import { Error, SnackbarType } from '../models/response.model';
import { Snackbar } from '../models/ui.model';
import { TreeState } from './tree.state';

/** Interface to keep track of all UI elements */
export interface UIStateModel {
   * Keep track of the right sidebar
  rightSideNavOpen: boolean;
   * Keep track of the control pane on the left
  controlPaneOpen: boolean;
   * Is the UI in loading state
  loading: boolean;
   * Store the loading state
  loadingText: string;
   * Store UI in error state
  error: Error;
   * Sotre snackbar state
  snackbar: Snackbar;
   * Keep track of the indented list sidebar
  indentListOpen: boolean;
   * Keep track of the report sidebar
  reportOpen: boolean;
   * Keep track of the debug log sidebar
  debugLogOpen: boolean;
   * Keep track of the bottom sheet that shows info
  bottomSheetOpen: boolean;
   * Keep track of the compare sidebar
  compareOpen: boolean;
   * Keep track of the search panel state
  searchOpen: boolean;

  name: 'uiState',
  defaults: {
    rightSideNavOpen: false,
    controlPaneOpen: true,
    loading: true,
    loadingText: '',
    error: {},
    snackbar: { opened: false, text: '', type: SnackbarType.success },
    indentListOpen: false,
    reportOpen: false,
    debugLogOpen: false,
    bottomSheetOpen: false,
    compareOpen: false,
    searchOpen: false,
export class UIState {
    public store: Store,
    public ga: GoogleAnalyticsService,
  ) {}

   * Select the snackbar state
   * @param state - UI State Model
  static getSnackbar(state: UIStateModel) {
    return state.snackbar;

   * Select the loading state
   * @param state - UI State Model
  static getLoading(state: UIStateModel) {
    return state.loading;

   * Select the loading text
   * @param state - UI State Model
  static getLoadingText(state: UIStateModel) {
    return state.loadingText;

   * Select control pane state
   * @param state - UI State Model
  static getControlPaneState(state: UIStateModel) {
    return state.controlPaneOpen;

   * Select the error state
   * @param state - UI State Model
  static getError(state: UIStateModel) {
    return {
      error: state.error,

   * Select indented list sidenav state
   * @param state - UI State Model
  static getIndentList(state: UIStateModel) {
    return state.indentListOpen;

   * Select the report sidenav state
   * @param state - UI State Model
  static getReport(state: UIStateModel) {
    return state.reportOpen;

   * Select the right sidenav state
   * @param state - UI State Model
  static getRightSideNav(state: UIStateModel) {
    return state.rightSideNavOpen;

   * Select the debug sidenav state
   * @param state - UI State Model
  static getDebugLog(state: UIStateModel) {
    return state.debugLogOpen;

   * Select the bottom sheet state
   * @param state - UI State Model
  static getBottomSheet(state: UIStateModel) {
    return state.bottomSheetOpen;

   * Select the compare sidenav state
   * @param state - UI State Model
  static getCompareState(state: UIStateModel) {
    return state.compareOpen;

   * Select the search panel state
   * @param state - UI State Model
  static getSearchState(state: UIStateModel) {
    return state.searchOpen;

   * Action to open snackbar. Update the UI State by setting the
   * snackbar state to true and text
  openSnackbar({ getState, setState }: StateContext<UIStateModel>, { text, type }: OpenSnackbar) {
    const state = getState();
      snackbar: { opened: true, text, type },

   * Action to close snackbar. Update the UI State by setting the
   * snackbar state to false and success state
  closeSnackbar({ getState, setState }: StateContext<UIStateModel>) {
    const state = getState();
      snackbar: {
        opened: false,
        text: '',
        type: SnackbarType.success,

   * Action to toggle control pane by inverting the current state
  toggleControlPane({ getState, setState }: StateContext<UIStateModel>) {
    const state = getState();
      controlPaneOpen: !state.controlPaneOpen,
    });, GaCategory.NAVBAR, 'Toggle Control Pane', undefined, getState().controlPaneOpen);

   * Action to open loading. Set loading to true and text to text
  openLoading({ getState, setState }: StateContext<UIStateModel>, { text }: OpenLoading) {
    const state = getState();
      loadingText: text,
      loading: true,
      error: {},

   * Action to update loading text
  UpdateLoadingText({ getState, setState }: StateContext<UIStateModel>, { text }: UpdateLoadingText) {
    const state = getState();
      loadingText: text,

   * Action to close loading. Set loading to false and clear loading text
  closeLoading({ getState, setState, dispatch }: StateContext<UIStateModel>, { text }: CloseLoading) {
    const state = getState();
      loading: false,
      loadingText: '',

    dispatch(new OpenSnackbar(text ?? '', SnackbarType.success));

   * Action to update error state.
   * Close loading and open snackbar with appropriate message and type
  hasError({ getState, setState, dispatch }: StateContext<UIStateModel>, { error }: HasError) {
    dispatch(new ReportLog(LOG_TYPES.MSG, error.msg ?? '', LOG_ICONS.error));
    const state = getState();
      loading: false,
      loadingText: '',
      snackbar: {
        opened: true,
        text: error.msg ?? '',
        type: SnackbarType.error,

   * Action to toggle Indent list sidebar
  toggleIndentList({ getState, setState }: StateContext<UIStateModel>) {
    const state = getState();
      indentListOpen: !state.indentListOpen,
    });, GaCategory.NAVBAR, 'Toggle Indent List', undefined, getState().indentListOpen);

   * Action to toggle Report sidebar
  toggleReport({ getState, setState }: StateContext<UIStateModel>) {
    const state = getState();
      reportOpen: !state.reportOpen,
    });, GaCategory.NAVBAR, 'Toggle Report', undefined, getState().reportOpen);

   * Action to close right side. Set Report, IL, Debug Log, Compare to false.
  closeRightSideNav({ getState, setState }: StateContext<UIStateModel>) {
    const state = getState();
      indentListOpen: false,
      reportOpen: false,
      debugLogOpen: false,
      compareOpen: false,
    });, GaCategory.NAVBAR, 'Close All Right-Sidenav Elements ', undefined, false);

   * Action to toggle debug logs sidebar
  toggleDebugLogs({ getState, setState }: StateContext<UIStateModel>) {
    const state = getState();
      debugLogOpen: !state.debugLogOpen,
    });, GaCategory.NAVBAR, 'Toggle Debug Logs', undefined, getState().debugLogOpen);

   * Action to open bottom sheet. Accept the data (name of structure)
   * First close the bottom sheet, incase it is open.
   * Then dispatch new action to update bottom sheet data
  openBottomSheet({ getState, setState, dispatch }: StateContext<UIStateModel>, { data }: OpenBottomSheet) {
    const state = getState();
    dispatch(new CloseBottomSheet());
    dispatch(new CloseBottomSheetDOI());
    dispatch(new UpdateBottomSheetData(data)).subscribe((_unused) => {
        bottomSheetOpen: true,
    dispatch(new UpdateBottomSheetInfo(data));

   * Action to open bottom sheet DOI. Accept the data (name of structure)
   * First close the bottom sheet Info, incase it is open.
   * Second close the bottom sheet DOI, incase it is open.
   * Then dispatch new action to update bottom sheet data DOI
  OpenBottomSheetDOI({ dispatch }: StateContext<UIStateModel>, { data }: OpenBottomSheetDOI) {
    dispatch(new CloseBottomSheet());
    dispatch(new CloseBottomSheetDOI());
    dispatch(new UpdateBottomSheetDOI(data));

   * Action to close bottom sheet.
   * Empty the bottom sheet data from the state
  closeBottomSheetDOI({ dispatch }: StateContext<UIStateModel>) {
    dispatch(new UpdateBottomSheetData({}));

   * Action to close bottom sheet.
   * Empty the bottom sheet data from the state
   * Set the bottom sheet open variable to false
  closeBottomSheet({ getState, setState, dispatch }: StateContext<UIStateModel>) {
    dispatch(new UpdateBottomSheetData({}));

    const view =;
    if (Object.entries(view).length) {
      view.signal('bimodal_text__click', {});

      bottomSheetOpen: false,

   * Action to open compare sidenav
  openCompare({ getState, setState }: StateContext<UIStateModel>) {
    const state = getState();
      compareOpen: true,
    });, GaCategory.NAVBAR, 'Open Compare', undefined, getState().compareOpen);

   * Action to close compare sidenav
  closeCompare({ getState, setState }: StateContext<UIStateModel>) {
    const state = getState();
      compareOpen: false,
    });, GaCategory.NAVBAR, 'Close Compare', undefined, getState().compareOpen);

  openSearch({ getState, setState }: StateContext<UIStateModel>) {
    const state = getState();
      searchOpen: true,
    });, GaCategory.NAVBAR, 'Open Search', undefined, getState().searchOpen);

  closeSearch({ getState, setState }: StateContext<UIStateModel>) {
    const state = getState();
      searchOpen: false,
    });, GaCategory.NAVBAR, 'Close Search', undefined, getState().searchOpen);

results matching ""

    No results matching ""